Saturday, December 24, 2005
Yale Interview
I get home from Justin & Marie's and after trying to extinguish a fire (more details later), I open my email: and see an email with subject: Yale Interview...
Yeeyyyy!!! Yeyy!! Yeyyyyy!!!!!
Um, did I mention yey!!!
Ok, maybe I'll post more coherently tomorrow.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
43% = Not good enough
So, I was happy today, I really was... not that I'm miserable now, but maybe a little bit... Because I decided to fork over $10, not wait the extra day or 2 or 10... and get my GRE subject score... and, what did I get? A 500, 43%, meaning that I suck... just like I thought I would... I hoped I was wrong, but no.... Perspective: Duke recommends getting in the 70th percentile... Yeah, last time I checked 43% was far away from 50 and farther away from 70...
Otherwise, my applications don't look that bad... and then they'll see this and go, oh wait, she doesn't know any biochemistry, cell or molecular biology. I do, though. I just didn't have time to review...
And now, now when it's too late, what do I find... Two websites that would have helped a lot:
So. If you happen to run across my blog and are taking this GRE subject test, go to these sites, buy the books... study for 3 days or so... I think if I had reviewed the information I would have done much better.
So, now I feel like crap... bc I did just as bad as I told everyone I thought I did.. and for once I was right... i wouldn't mind being wrong on this one..
oh well...
In other news. I got an A in immunology (yey!!) and an A- in two of my GEs, which is fine, and a late report on my acting class... which means she forgot to turn in grades.
Oh, by the way, I did a little better on my GRE general test: 530/800 (67%) on verbal, 730/800 (76%) on quantitative, 5.5/6 (86%) on the writing section...
And I've turned in 5 applications... 3 more to go...
I'm happy with my immunology grade though...
But, i get to sulk today about my general test.
Oh, and aside from stressing about applications and stuff, I've been cooking. Yup, my break tradition has started up again... I made brownies, from scratch, last week, and made some for Dr. Alex (she wrote one of my letters of rec). Scones from scratch last sunday... and yesterday I made corn muffins (cornbread in a sweeter muffi-er format)...
I also bought new jeans.. yey!! and a new black jacket, a nice shirt, and beautiful shoes!!! plus the shoes (dress shoes) are very comfy and very very awesome...
and and and... I'm still sad...
Eric got an interview for cornell today... well, the interview is in february, but hopefully you know what I mean... I'm soooooooo excited for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, I must work on personal statements and sulk a bit...
merry xmas, happy hannukah, happy new year!!!
Friday, December 02, 2005
Yey Argentina!
Hopefully things stay well :)
Argentine Merval Rises on Tax Revenue: World's Biggest Mover
Dec. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Argentine stocks rose, the biggest fluctuation among equity markets included in global benchmarks, as a report that the government beat tax collection targets spurred a rebound after the economy minister's ouster earlier this week.
The Merval index rose 38.63, or 2.5 percent, to 1558.49, as of 11:01 a.m. New York time, the biggest gain in a month. The index has still fallen 4.4 percent this week, the second-biggest drop of 80 primary stock indexes tracked by Bloomberg. Tenaris SA, the world's biggest maker of seamless steel pipes for the oil industry, led today's gain.
The tax collection report revived optimism that the economy will stay strong, said Anibal Pires, analyst at Zaiatz & Compania Sociedad de Bolsa in Buenos Aires. Argentina's tax agency last night said it collected 108 billion pesos ($36.3 billion) in the first 11 months of the year, exceeding the annual target of 107 billion pesos. The index fell earlier in the week after President Nestor Kirchner ousted Roberto Lavagna as economy minister.
``The good tax revenue numbers relieved the markets, which are very sensitive this week because of the change,'' Pires said in a telephone interview. ``The index will remain volatile until the new minister explains her policies and priorities.''
Kirchner named Felisa Miceli, the president of state-owned Banco de la Nacion, after a dispute with Lavagna over how to stem inflation.
Price Agreements
Miceli yesterday said Argentina and dairy producers agreed to hold prices at Nov. 1 levels for the next two months in a bid to stem inflation. The government also agreed with supermarkets including France's Carrefour SA, Coto CISA SA and Hipermercados Jumbo SA, to cut prices 15 percent on food, clothing and toiletry prices as part of a government plan to slow rising prices.
``This measure also helped relieve concern about inflation in the next months and will ensure higher sales and a growing economy,'' Pires said.
Tenaris SA (TS AR) rose 1.6 pesos, or 4.7 percent, to 35.55 pesos. Crude oil may rise as stockpiles dwindle and cold weather in the U.S. Northeast increases demand for heating fuel, a Bloomberg survey showed. Twenty-three of 54 analysts surveyed, or 43 percent, said prices will increase next week. Fourteen, or 26 percent, said oil will fall and 17, or 31 percent, expect little change.
Grupo Financiero Galicia SA (GGAL AR), the country's biggest banking group, rose 4 centavos, or 1.9 percent, to 2.16 pesos.
Siderar SAIC, Argentina's biggest steelmaker for the automobile and construction industries, rose 95 centavos, or 4 percent, to 24.60 pesos, the highest price this week.
To contact the reporters on this story:
Eliana Raszewski at
Last Updated: December 2, 2005 11:47 EST
Saturday, November 26, 2005
I'm so in love...
I dunno, I guess I was looking at some pics of an old classmate of mine from HS and I just got all melancholic... She had great pictures of snow and a river, and smiling beautiful faces. Her sister's married... and I thought, how beautiful argentina is, and how I never got to experience all its beauty...
But then I remembered that I got to go to Europe this summer, and have great pics in my collection now because of it, and better than that, I have wonderful memories of a different wonderful world that's out there... and that I too have river pictures :) And that I too will visit snow and oceans and other wonders as my life continues, and I'm sure I'll be surprised by where it will take me... Finally, I too will be married soon. Such an exciting thing, this... So I can't help but smile from the inside, from heart, where it counts... and today, studying with Jade, I realized that I was in a much lighter mood. And although this is dissipating as I realize all I have to get done in two weeks, I can't help to smile.... and think of what a great weekend this has been. How many things I'm thankful for... how wonderful it is to have family and friends who care... having so many people wanting to help me out for the wedding... how great it is to laugh and eat pies... and, I dunno.. yeyy
Even though things are weird at home... I dunno, I've decided to ignore them, though I know it'll just end up worse...
in any case. Yey, happy thanksgiving!!!
GRE's are done!!!
applications are getting there!
and the quarter is almost over!!!
Ah... :)
I'll write more in December...
Until then! Smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 04, 2005
I'm published
Finally, after doing the nerdy search in Pubmed for myself, I found the "short communication" in the European Journal of Neuroscience where I'm now published. Third out of 5 authors.... and no, I don't want to study Neuroscience....
(note, I didn't put my name bc I don't want anyone to google me and randomly find my blog...)
Rosales, Carlos R., Osborne, Kyle D., Me., Scheiffele, Peter & Silverman, Michael A. (2005)A cytoplasmic motif targets neuroligin-1 exclusively to dendrites of cultured hippocampal neurons.European Journal of Neuroscience 22 (9), 2381-2386.doi: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2005.04400.x
Very exciting...
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Cultural and personal experiences outside the laboratory
When we did arrive at our “flat” (or apartment) and checked in, which we learned had only been confirmed a few days before, we were happy to see we had our own bathroom—even though the space was minimal and we had to shower with the toilet! We were also given a few grocery bags of start-up food from Lauren’s advisor, which was a nice and welcoming surprise!
After taking a red-eye flight all we wanted to do was sleep, but Lauren’s lab mates were so hospitable that they took us out pub-hopping right then and there. That is when we learned that not only did they call things by different names, but they also pronounced words differently. They laughed at our American way of saying Southwark, pronounced Sud-ark in England, as they bought us pint after pint of alcohol—oh, yes, the brits can drink! I am still amazed about how we got back to our flat using the tube from SoHo. I was so exhausted by the time that I got to my flat that all I really could think about was falling asleep. As I walk into the common area of the flat: a hallway with a big kitchen, I see one of my flat-mates. I am not sure if it was because here in California people are not as friendly, or if I was too tired to be cordial, but I did not stop and talk with this girl. A few minutes later, as I’m getting ready to have a good night’s rest, I hear knocking on my door! It was my flat mate, introducing herself, asking who I was, and letting me know that they would be glad to show me around London! Wow, roommates that were cordial and wanted to meet me!
Anyway, Saturday morning came around—with a fire alarm that went off in the middle of the night (there’s this obsession with fire alarms in London, I guess because of the great fire of London) –the day after we flew into London. That day and all that weekend in fact, we did marathon sightseeing. I think we covered more places in those two days than at any other time in the following two weeks—except Rome and Paris, but I will talk about that later.
By the time we met with our advisors Monday morning, we had seen a great deal of London, understood the tube fairly well, and knew painfully well the pound-dollar conversion rates. We had a great talk with our advisors, who seemed to be great people. We were given some idea about what our research was going to be, and we learned that normal research/work days in our labs started at 10 or 10:30am, not earlier, and ended around 4 or 5pm. This gave us time to have a nice breakfast in the morning, and be able to stay up later at nights, as well as time to explore the city after research. In fact, we were encouraged to see all that we could of London and of other countries as well. My advisor would ask me every day what new things I had seen of the city, and reminded me to start booking trips to other places in England an in Europe!
As a result, we got to visit many museums, like the Tate Modern, Natural History Museum, National Gallery; go to many plays, two at Shakespeare’s globe, and a handful around the West End and other areas; visit Buckingham Palace, Picadilly Circle, Leicaster (“lester”) Square, etc.
Eventually, after much procrastination, we visited Oxford, England; Paris, France; Rome, Italy; and I visited a cousin in Germany, and visited Salzburg, Austria; Traunstein and Munich, Germany. These trips usually were on weekends, for three or four days, much of which involved walking around the cities and taking hundreds of pictures! It was so exciting to visit places that were historically significant, and get a feel for the European lifestyle. The major hurdle was the language barrier, knowing only a few phrases to order food or ask for tickets, and not being able to communicate with anyone else past that. It was interesting to see the varying responses to American visitors and the differences among European countries.
In addition, I had 6 flat-mates from various places in the world, who had been in London for at least one year. They showed me around London, advised me to go to places such as Burough market and many contemporary plays. More importantly, they made me feel at home at comfortable in London. Additionally, we got together with other MIRT students when we visited Oxford, and then went together to Paris, France. It was helpful to share experiences with people of the same area, and together visit foreign places together.
Overall, this was an amazing experience. Visiting Europe has given me a different perspective on the world, the perception of Americans, but also the effects of globalization, more so in the realm of science. I’m very grateful for this experience, and hope more students will be able to take advantage of this program in years to come.
Monday, October 17, 2005
It's raining...
and apparently a horrible friend.
So yeah, fun times... and now I'm here at ryan's trying to study immunology, but this past hour i got nothing done... and found out the place we were getting excited about kind of sucks. so we ahve to search again. which i'm trying to do now, so it gets done. bc dates are already getting filled up. and it seems that boys just don't realize this.
anyway... can't wait till applications are due...
i'll stop here, since i'm not a happy camper today. it's been a really really horrible day. ugh.
i like the rain though :)
Friday, September 23, 2005
12 hours at Cal Poly
So, the quarter has begun.... and yesterday, the first day of it, was the longest day ever!!!!!!!!!
So, I got to school at like 6:45 am... yupp, you heard right. So, parking wasn't that bad... and went to my Ant 112 online course orientation. Bla bla. Kind of those monotone voice teachers.
Then, we went to try to add the Mic 415 lab, Immunology/Serology at 8am... but I didn't get in, and neither did Jade... So I went to my 8am Sociology class, 30 min late. Whatever. It was fine. Guy giving us his whole resume about how great he is and how much he knows. Cioffi is his last name, so he cracked some italian mobster jokes ("I had a meeting with the russians.. and I'm italian... so that tells you to be scared of me" or something like that). Anyway. whatever.
Then, met up with Jade and we hung out, got some paperwork I needed to pick up. Went to the Honors room and talked to people (this one girl just broke up with her bf, so I wasn't about to tell her how I just got engaged... felt awkward when the male bashing started, as, at the moment, I think boys are great... at least mine :P... but I'm kind of glad they broke up, he was a jerk to her, and all she did was suffer.) Yeah, and then Dorothy introduced me to this lady that's gonna help me submit my NIH/NSF fellowship application. I'm not really hopeful that I'll get it, but, gotta try. Then found Jeannie, hung out with her, told her my news (yeeyy!! I was telling anyone that cared a bit)... Then met up with Jade, and went to lunch. Saw Lauren, which was cool, we're meeting up Monday for lunch or dinner or something. I can't wait to hear his crazy stories from Amsterdam... Saw Eric, which was cool...
At 1pm we tried to get into the class... I didn't get it again (almost did, but there was some confusion, damn it!)... Jade did get it... which is cool, though I'm a bit jealous... especially bc I then had to go to my original 1pm class: Advanced Genetics. Ugh! With Campbell! Yeah, not looking forward to that. At all. That class really freaks me out. I DON'T WANT TO TAKE ADVANCED GENETICS. So, I may try to either add Animal Tissue Culture, or I dunno, still have hope for MIC. Yeah, and then I went to the lecture for MIC, just in case... Such an awesome lecture too... and that was out at 6:45pm... left campus at 7pm... and so ended my 12 hours or so at CPP... I was a bit tired...
UGH!!!!!!!! I'm so not inspired this year. I have total senior-itis. I want to be done, and be in grad school. Can't I just fastforward to graduation? Please?!!!
Yeah, so I'm PR of Hillel, President of the Honors Program Club... why? ugh! I was excited, not I'm just overwhelmed. Why, you ask?
1. Write a 150 word abstract for the San Diego Honors Program Conference regarding my research in London.
2. Study for Advanced Genetics (practice crosses and stuff --> I have a horrible genetics background... bc of my prof.... ugh! "Easy" A's aren't the best things sometimes)
4. Complete NSF application --> due in November
5. Take GRE --> Oct. 29th
6. Take GRE Subject test ---> Nov
7. Prepare presentation for San Diego Conference --> Oct 8th
8. Complete applications to grad schools --> deadlines in Dec and Jan
9. Plan a wedding --> date to be confirmed
10. Write a budget for Hillel --> ASAP
11. Write an agenda for HP meetings --> first one next Thursday
12. Study for the rest of my classes
13. Work out regularly
14. Freak out --> the only item on the list I've actually accomplished.
Why am I a lazy bum? I could have had the grad school stuff done by now...
Yeah... such is the life of G right now. I'll be sane again next August. See you then!
PS: Yeah, and I thought a spot opened in the mic class this morning... but it was Jade's already reserved spot. Yeah, great news for me, I know.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Griselda's Engaged!!!
Here I am... as normal... slightly trying to be productive... realizing I have a heck of a lot of GRE studying to do if I am to do remotely well on it... and I have no idea where I'm going to apply to.
Ok, maybe that's a lie. I'll probably apply to Duke and UCSF... maybe UCLA, since they also have an umbrella program. Probably UMN, since I probably have the application fee waived... Anyway, I still need to choose some universities I can actually get into. I can probably get into UMN bc I did that one summer program there. Okay, okay, I can read the comments from my fiance now, how I shouldn't be worrying about getting in... But, I dunno... I do worry... Mostly bc I'm way behind in my applying and writing and studying and stuff... My GPA alone can't do all the work, but it would be nice if it could.
Anyway, so that's the same old news as always, I suppose.
Class starts up again on Thursday. Not really doing all the planning and stuff I should be doing. Surprise surprise.
Went to Olive Garden with Ryan and my parents, Ryan's treat... and it went well... I was so nervous, I don't think I really talked. I kept on playing with my knife and looking at my stepfather's spaced out look... so basically my mom and Ryan pulled the dinner through, and had a nice conversation... After the bill came... and left... we actually mentioned the true reason for the dinner... Ryan kind of apologized, which really surprised me... He's so sweet, he was composed for the both of us, I assume. And my stepfather congratulated us and actually smiled. Things are weird between us, though (Pedro and I)... and hopefully they'll be better soon. I guess it's both our faults... He said some mean things (I was ruining his life doing this) and I insinuated some mean things, which I tried to patch up a minute later, but still stung (that he's not my real dad)... so yeah... But, I'm trying to forget about all that was said. My mom really wants me too... and I will for the sake of normalcy, and bc I don't want to lose them as a part of my life. Anyway... so yes, the glass is half full, and all is well again... Though I anticipate another conversation sometime between now and July, in which my stepfather will enquire about our plans as a bireligious couple. Which I am prepared to answer and am confident about... We really have covered our bases, me and Ryan that is... we can talk about anything and everything... and we do...
Though, Marie's blog got me thinking about how he would feel if I went to a strip club. I don't think I'd find it enjoyable either. Girls just don't get as excited at guys taking off their clothes... especially their underwear... unless it's our men... and then we are more likely to aid in the process...
Anyway... so I dunno what my friends are gonna do for my bachelorette party, but they're already talking about it... But, the only one Ryan has to really worry about is Jade, because Lisa is this timid Catholic girl, though it sooo doesn't seem that way. She blushes when someone says moist... it's really funny... In Argentina the bride and groom get one party together, and the friends just make a fool out of them. We are in the States though...
In other news, my cousin Carla gets married on August 11th... and Gisella is turning 30 next year... so it'll be two months of parties!
It's so weird not seeing Ryan everyday. Ok, not that it's weird, but I really miss him... It's so hard to say goodbye at night... I'm so silly sometimes, you know? I just have to be a little bit less selfish and stronger and stuff... Oh well, that'll never happen... But, in a year or so, we'll be living together, so it'll be cool...
That's all for now...
Monday, September 19, 2005
I'm engaged!!!!!!!!
And I said: Yes!
So now, we're engaged! Yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How did it happen? Where?
Well, we were in Florida... Jensen Beach to be precise. We went to Mulligan's for lunch... really good place. Then waited a while, and at sunset walked over to the pier. A beautiful pier, over the water. We took some pictures, and sat down to admire the water, the sunset, and each other. Ryan started telling me how much he always remembered the pier... and that he thought I wouldn't forget it either... then he stands up, pulls a ring from his pocket, gets down on one knee, and asks me to marry him... when I said yes, he placed the ring on my left hand... and we went from boyfriend/girlfriend to fiance/fiancee....
So, some time next summer, after I graduate, we're going to get married... July maybe.
All I can say is that I'm head over heels in love, and now I will marry this man I love, admire and adore so much.
It was an amazing vacation... relaxing, fun, exciting and emotional.
Immature love says: "I love you because I need you." Mature love says: "I need you because I love you." -- Erich Fromm
Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Things change for the better (and I always exaggerate too much)
So, of course, things are so much better today... As they tend to be once I vocalize how "bad" things are.
Granted, I do have a bad cold, which is slowly getting better... Which reminds me, I should go drink some grapefruit juice. ---------
Ok, so here I am, on my laptop, on my mom's bed, with the TV on mute and KROQ playing on the stereo, with my cell phone by my side. I quite enjoy this actually... More so now that the blinds are cracked open so sunlight can get through.
So, I wake up with Ryan on the phone telling me that he's head over heals in love with me... Ah, such a nice day to start up the day!! Had my cheerios (the whole grain one) with milk. Then talked to Melissa--- at last!!! Her cell phone died this weekend while she was away.. I was getting a bit worried, and sad, that she hadn't called me back. She's one of my best friends... So, yeah, all is well. And I'm going to go get books with her tomorrow at school and have lunch at Applebee's (it's a tradition of ours... Yeah, we're nerds... More so bc this is finals week for the summer people-- and that's our tradition, to get our books during finals week for the following quarter)... So yeah, I'm happy. I miss Melissa.
Also, I'm helping to plan Jade's bday party... We're going to Buca di Beppo next week.. So far Mel, Eric, Brandon and of course Ryan (and me, and Jade) are going. So I need to find her a gift soon.
Yeah, so I got Leslee's invitation to her bridal shower mailed to Ryan's house... Which is cool. The bad news is that it's on the day that we get back from Florida. So, Ryan's finding out exactly at what time we get back -- I might still be able to make it. But we can't remember at what time the flight gets in. We wanted an afternoon one, but maybe it's at 9am... We'll see...
I dunno if I've ever been to a bridal shower... I'm thinking maybe once, but I really can't remember... So, I'm thinking no... Nor have I been to a Jewish wedding... Random comments, I know... But yeah... Oh well, if I don't go to this one, maybe to Mel's and Jade's, in a couple of years :P
Annnyyywaayyyy.... 9 days till Florida!!!!!
Also, I got a sweet email from Lauren, who just got back from Amsterdam... And Eric, wondering why I never called him back about Las Vegas... In my defense, I was sick this weekend, though I didn't know that last week, when I should have called him back :P Maybe if I wasn't so broke I would be more adamant about going...
Goodness it's hot...
Umm.... what else is new? I saw Napoleon Dynamite on Sunday... very odd... and The forty year old virgin on Saturday, which was funny.
Not much more to tell right now... Oh, I got new tennis shoes... they're brown and have no laces, which is cool... :P So yeah... that was cool... I still need to get a new bathing suit and I think that's it for now... Keeping myself on budget.. I need a job this year... It's hard to go from having money and being able to spend it (ie: this summer) to now my emptier bank account and the realization that it's not magically filling up (ok, working is no magic, but you know..)
Oh well... we'll see what this year has in store for me, ne c'est pas?
Byes for now!
Griselda: in a better more hopeful mood (what not working will do to a woman!)
Friday, August 26, 2005
What do I do all day???
Let me preface this with: MY DAYS ARE BORING!!!!!!!!!! My afternoons and nights get better, early morning is nice to... So, if you know any of my friends, can you tell them G is lonely?
Ah, but G should be lonely... Why you say? Well, G needs to find a grad school to apply to... well several to apply to. Well, there's loads out there, you say... Yes, that is a big problem I face right now. To make things even jollier, I have no idea what I want to research.... Like none. Ok, I have a general area, but I haven't done enough research to know exactly what I want.... And now I'm freaking out bc I read that sometimes grad schools will google you, and if they find your blog they will read it... and it usually doesn't help you (which can be clearly seen in this paragraph). So, Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss Grad School Admitter... Please admit me!! I will be a good grad student, and if I've applied to your university it means that I found a couple of faculty members I would be interested in working with, and that your program really interests me...
Hhaha.. anyway, back to the blog... So, yeah, I'm trying to find universities to fill my needs: good faculty, good program and funding available. The last two don't seem to be a problem... and not that the faculty is bad, but there's not one project -yet- that jumps right at me as being really really really exciting.
So, my days. I wake up, around 7am... and lately go back to sleep and wait for Ryan to call... So I talk to him as he's commuting to work... and then I got have breakfast, usually with my mom (which is nice... having people around is nice) which consists of (lately) ruby red grapefruit juice, cheerios and milk... A change from my usual coffee and toast... and it is wholemeal cheerios... so yeah... Then I start my websearch for uni's... I just go a'searchin', and read, and clic clic... and like that... till lunch time, where I figure what to eat (oh, shit, I didn't prepare my mom's lunch... she liked my chicken wrap idea that I ate yesterday --- idea stolen from Borough Market :P) and eat it... then I either watch tv or... well I watch tv with lunch, and then I read or watch more tv. THen I force myself again in front of the laptop... to search again... Think about what to make for dinner... find a recipe online, and put it on my blog (which proved useful yesterday, as I had to make alfredo sauce, and new the recipe was on my blog)... then I eventually start cooking until someone arrives... Sometimes I go out for groceries, or for a doctor's appt... and on Wed I went to Ryan's, and did NO work, just read this crappy book called The Wives of Bath, because it was set in England... and I got a cheap thrill at reading "holiday" and other British terms...
Yesterday I went to the pool: a tiny pool actually... but a pool nonetheless... and I didn't have my bathing suit, and I had to pull out my old high school suit, ugh.. yeah, I'm going shopping this weekend...
So,yeah, exciting times... I might have lunch with Jade today... and I'll have fun this weekend... Maybe next week I'll see Melissa, and maybe go to Disneyland with Eka next Friday...
So, next week seems more promising..
I'm not really depressed, it's just that any time there's a lack of social interaction (as I like to coin it) I kind of go in lul mood.... some people may not understand... and I shouldn't complain as I'm on vacation. But it's hard having to do all this research alone.
But, it will get worse. As I will have to be writing essays soon, and taking the GRE general (oct 29th) and subject tests... so yeah, fun fun.
Um yeah.. so I'm thinking I might have to get a job next year. And I'm having an internal debate of working in industry part time, or working as a tutor... I dunno...
so yeah... that's why I'm so looking forward to Sept 8th... getting away... again... and this time with Ryan... not feeling guilty about being lazy... and we're going to see Coldplay! And drive up to North Carolina... so yeah... can't wait!!!!!!!!!
Ok, that's it for now...
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Red Bell Pepper and Broccoli Pasta Sauce
The recipe is simplicity itself:
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
4 fleshy red bell peppers, seeded and cut into strips
1 medium-sized onion, thinly sliced and separated into rings
2 large cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 bunch fresh broccoli (about 1 pound), broken into florets and stems cut into 1/2-inch pieces
Salt and freshly-ground black pepper to taste
Grated cheese (optional)
1. In a large skillet, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Cook the red peppers, onion, and garlic until soft, adding small amounts of water to keep the skillet from drying out and stirring from time to time, about 30 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, bring a saucepan of water to a boil, salt lightly, and cook broccoli stems for a few minutes, then add florets. Cook broccoli until tender but still bright green, no more than about 10 minutes. Drain, break up slightly with a fork, and toss with the red bell pepper mixture. Season with salt and pepper, top with grated cheese, if desired, and serve immediately.
Serves 4.
Helpful Hints The secret to success here is not overcooking the broccoli. Make sure it remains bright green
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Back in California
So here I am, in sunny California... again... Bittersweet... I'm totally glad to be back... I missed Ryan sooo much, and here I am again with him... Kind of... haven't seen him since Sunday -oh, the travesty!
Now, I totally miss London, and I miss Ryan... hmmpf... hahha... I'm just being silly.
So, the extent of my walking now is around supermarkets and to my car. Such a Californian. But maybe I should start in chronological order, eh?
So, my last days in London were nice. I worked quite a lot Monday and Tuesday (a week ago!),

Then I went into the lab, got last results and said goodbye to Dr. Knight and

Adrian. There we are in the lab... And then I went home and relaxed a bit I think... Thursday I packed in the morning, and was done by lunchtime. So I went to look for Lauren, made copies of my lab notebook, and went to have Fish and Chips at Fishcoteque with Jen and Steph. We were so full after that! And, we ate them by the Thames River near the National Theatre (by the Waterloo bridge). Then I returned my lab book, and went to Lauren's lab to say goodbye to everyone. Dr. Rob Evans gave me a red King's College hat, which was really sweet of him! Then I went home, and hung out, then made mashed potatoes. We had a huge dinner with my flatmates, including a great Tiramisu that Dora made.
And on Friday we woke up at 6am and had breakfast. Everyone was up except Jen. It was so sweet of them! And then Lauren and Julia took the tube with me until Paddington, and then I took the Heathrow Express alone. At the airport I met up with Myesha, Jason, Claire (?), the two Ls-- Luciano and Leonardo-- and Jaime, and Dr. Tolmasky. THe flight was cool, we got to share a row of 5 seats between two of us! So I got some good sleep. And the food was yummy!!!
Then, we finally flew into LAX, after 10 + hours of flying... And as I leave the gate, there I see my love, Ryan, standing there, with his typical black and white shirt :) I was soo happy!!! I could not believe I was again in his arms, after 2 months of being so far apart.
So, we hopped into his car (after getting a lovely bouquet of flowers and a variety of photo holder things... I'm so articulate, I know) and drove to Carmen's work to retrieve my keys. Talked to her for a bit, and then came home :) THen, Melissa and Claudia stopped by to say hello. And then mom, Ryan and I had milanesa with salad. By 9pm I was drunk tired...
Saturday morning I wake up at 5am, and start unpacking -- I couldn't go back to sleep. Then, Ryan came over around noon... or 1pm :P And then we headed over to Marie's bday party. It was to be a pool party... So much fun!!! I hadn't been in a pool in ages!!! We had loads of fun, and even went in the spa. So that was cool!!! Again, by 9pm I was sooo tired, but the poker chips were out... so after a while I fortunately lost, and seeked refuge of a couch, where I dozed off a bit.... and then around 11pm we left, and Ryan took me home.
Sunday morning I woke up and hung out with my mom for a bit... and then went to Ryan's, to see his new apartment. A very cool apartment it is, very spacious. And well, got to spend some nice quality time with him, which was awesome :) haha, but by 9pm I was tired again, so I drove home... and watched some tele with my mom.
Monday morning I was awaken by a phonecall from sweetie... a nice way to wake up if you ask me :) But after I had breakfast with my mom, and she left for work, the emptiness of being back hit me.
After two months of being surrounded by people, being left alone to do pressing work kind of hits you. So I really missed London. A lot. I called Melissa, but she was at work I assume... so I just went to the supermarket -- the peak of my social interaction-- and came home to make salmon and potatoes. My mom was very pleased with it -- it was very good, if I do say so myself. Then I got to speak to Ryan, which was great!
Today, woke up to continue the search for grad schools... THe excitement of the day was a wonderful doctor's appointment. On my way there I called Eric, we talked for a long time... I think he was just as bored and anxious for social interaction as me :) The call ended with him telling me we should plan a trip for Vegas this weekend. He's serious too. It sounds fun, but I'm not sure... not sure Ryan would want to either... I wasn't definite in my answer, to which he was puzzled, so I said I wanted to talk to Ryan about it, to which he made a crack, which he promised not to tell Ryan about -- too late I guess, since he reads this blog. In any case, it was good to speak to him. He's a nice friend.
And then it was to the doctor's... it's so funny how you can be in the most awkward situation, as women exams tend to be, and yet they have no problem engaging in normal conversation. Today's was about her wanting to learn spanish, that she learned a bit when she started working at the hospital/clinic, about 5 yrs ago... It's so funny, bc it's so awkward, yet the conversation makes me want to laugh, but then I'm like overly aware of how my body convulses when I laugh.... which might not be something wants to do in that situation. Anyway, I'll stop there, for many reasons... one of which is the male viewers, which make up 75% of my blog readers...
Anyway, and here I am, after another grocery shopping trip... I bought some yummy Hallumi-- such yummy cheese!!!
So yeah, hi! I'm back in California!! Yeyy... now, looking forward to Sept 8th, when I'm going to Florida..
Ok, that's enough for today.
Monday, August 22, 2005
What I'm eating right now
Recipe Ingredients:
4 Mission® Fajita Size Flour Tortillas
8 Tbsp. Jif® Creamy Peanut Butter
6 tsp. Tsp. honey
4 Tbsp. raisins
4 Tbsp. granola or granola cereal
1 small apple, cored and sliced
1 banana, peeled and sliced
Recipe Instructions:
Spread 2 tbsp. peanut butter and 1 ½ tsp. honey in the middle of each tortilla.
Sprinkle 1 tbsp. each of raisins and granola.
Place equal amounts of banana and apple slices on top of the tortillas.
Fold over tortillas and enjoy!
Bell Pepper and Lemon Salmon
1/4 cup olive oil
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 lemon, juiced
1 pinch kosher salt
2 (8 ounce) salmon fillets
2 tablespoons capers, drained and rinsed
1/2 red bell pepper, cut into 1/4-inch strips
In a shallow dish, mix the olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, and salt. Pierce the salmon fillets on both sides with a fork, and place in the dish. Coat with the olive oil mixture, and marinate at least 1 hour in the refrigerator.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).
Place each salmon fillet on a large sheet of aluminum foil. Fold the foil around the fillets to form packets. Pour the marinade mixture over the fillets, and top with capers and red bell pepper strips. Tightly seal packets, and place in a baking dish.
Cook salmon 35 minutes in the preheated oven, until easily flaked with a fork.
Friday, August 12, 2005
So, today's Friday, which means in a week I will be on a plane home.
So, am I excited, am I ecstatic, and I being really touristy, am I smiling non-stop... Well, yes and no... I've been in a weird mood as of late. I really dunno why... I think... Well I dunno what I think...
So, I am very excited to go back home!! And I found out that Melissa was almost going to go by the airport as a surprise, but can't bc of work... But it was very touching. SO, hopefully she'll stop by my place after work. In any case, Ryan's picking me up, so I couldn't be happier.
Am I ecstatic? Well, I'd have to say no, as I'm dreading going back home and doing all that work and stuff... I dunno how I'm going to choose a graduate school and program, and study for the GREs and start on my applications, all in 2 weeks... I guess by just sitting down and doing it :P Do it!!! I've been a bum long enough here in London.. Which reminds me of the report I have to get done, sometime in the next 4 months... Plus, I'm going to miss London, regardless of anything I might add later in this post.
Not really being touristy... I've been in the lab quite a bit, now that Adrian's gone, and I have to do the experiments by myself. I actually sort of designed the one I'm doing today, which I have a feeling Adrian wouldn't have done... But, that also means that I'll have to be here both Mon and TUes doing experiments... No going to Cambridge or Brighton for a day trip, I'm afraid. I will be very touristy this weekend.. And hopefully tonight's flat party won't ruin my Sat morning.
Am I smiling nonstop? That's a definite nooo!! I've been really moody and mean and stuff lately. But more than anything jealous. Jealous at the stupidest most minute things. I think I realized just how jealous I can get, on this trip, and I really want to move past it... And you're wondering exactly why and in what circumstances... Well, in some ways, too many to count... But yesterday I got really jealous, and thankfully after a while my logical side kicked in and I realized that I do the same things that make me jealous. Ah, but I will not explain this... Any of this paragraph, really...
anyway, about Rome... It was sooooo awesome! We got there on Thursday, after very few hours of sleep (which made me not the happiest person in the world, but still bearable)... We walked around and saw the Trevi fountain, the famous expensive street, Plaza Navona, and maybe a bit more... I found Sambayon!!! My all time favorite ice cream!!!!!!!! I was soooo excited!!!!
On Fri we got up at 6:30am and went to the Vatican.. So, planning for this I wore a long skirt, and I was going to take a light sweater... But I forgot it at home... And I was wearing a sleeveless shirt. SO, I had to buy a tshirt in order to let me in... Ah, tolerance towards other religions and their ways, a good thing to learn indeed... But it was amazing. We got to go up on top of the dome (after walking up 320 steps.. Which is more than I thought it would be... All in non-traction flip flops, which I wore bc they matched my outfit. Granted that with the tshirt, I did not match whatsoever)... Anyway, beautiful view from up at the top of the dome, and the inside of the church was beautiful. As was the Michelangelo statue... And then we went to the Sistine chapel, which was amazing and just incredibly full of paintings, so much so that ignorant G forgot to look for the most famous of the ceiling paintings. Oh well, I'll have to go back sometime in the distant future. Afterwards we walked through Trasteveri (mind you, I'm spelling all the names wrong, sorry!) and ate Sambayon again (yeyy) and then found Ancient Rome!! It was sooo awesome, so beautiful... And ate at the place where they invented Fettucini Alfredo... It was soooo yummy!!! By the time we got to the hostel, we were sooooo exhausted, though we did play rummy... Getting on the top bunk of the bunk bed was horrible, but I survived it... And on Sat we went to the coliseum... Such a beautiful structure, and what it must have been in its full glory. By then Lauren was dead tired, and had a horrible headache. I wasn't as tired, but it was nice to relax...
Anyway, Rome was amazing, and now I want to go and learn more about European history, as I know I missed out on sooo many things.... Next time, I suppose, I'll know more....
Anyway, I should get going, I suppose....
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Quick F*ck
Here I am at 2436... smelling like smoke (no, I don't smoke... it's the smoking in the pub) and a bit tipsy... not too much though, more tired than anything... I should be heading to sleep like 30 minutes ago..
So, it's Shruti's bday today, she turned 22... so we went to Southwark (pronounced sudark), the first pub we went to when we arrived... but the cool dungeon/cave- like place was closed, bc of quiz night... noooo idea what that is... and I had Fruti, or something like that... which is beer that tastes like strawberry.. only half a pint... 4.1%... and then the place closed (at 11pm) and we went to Dover Castle.. this bar/hostel... and I wasn't gonna have anything bc I got hungry (I had a proper 5'o'clock english tea today! With shortbread, crumpet, scones, and obviously english tea!!! so i wasn't hungry at normal dinner times)... but then I had this shot, called quick f*ck... it had kalua and bailey's and something else... pretty tasty... but then all I wanted to do was sleep... which is what I should be doing now..
So, Rome was excellent!!!!!!!!! I loved it! I'll have to talk more about it later..
This is nerdy funny...
Awesome Translations:::::
Something I found on the -80 freezer at work.The following list of pharaess and their definitions might help you understand the mysterious language of science and medicine. These special phrases are also applicable to anyone working on a Ph.D. dissertation or academic paper anywhere!
I didn't look up the origonal reference.
These data are practically meaningless.
An unsuccessful experiment, but I still hope to get it publisehd.
The other results didn't make any sesne."
This is the prettiest graph.
I might get around to this sometime, if pushed and/or funded.
I think.
A couple of others think so, too.
Rumor has it.
A wild guess.
Three pages of notes were obliterated when I knocked over a glass of beer.
I don't understand it.
They don't understand it either.
Mr. Blotz did the work, and Ms. Adams explained to me what it means.
A totally useless topic selected by my committe.
I quit.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Alfredo sauce
Ingredientes: manteca 50 g.harina o fecula de maiz 2 cucharadasleche 1/4 de tazasal a gustopimienta a gustonuez moscada 1/4 de cdta
Preparado: Poner a derretir la manteca con la sal en una ollita chiquita, cuandose haya disuelto la manteca completamente agregar(fuera del fuego) laharina o fecula y la leche, revolver bien y colocar nuevamente sobreel fuego. cocinar 3 o 4 minutos hasta que espese agregarle lapimienta y nuez moscada. servir caliente.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
18 more days...
Ah, so my cousin talked to my mom and complained about my stepfather, saying that they keep me as a prisoner in my own home... which I tell him that it's not that bad, but that they are overprotective... to which he says that thanks to that I am what I am... and that they do appreciate what I am, even if I am really rebelious at times....
I think I reserve my comments on this bit...
As I was saying, London is slipping away... which means I'm getting closer to seeing Ryan again (yeeeyyy!!!!!!!!!!)... that's why I'm so happy about the countdown..
and at the same time I'm so not happy, because I will miss it here. I'm going to miss living on my own... well, on my "own"... Because in my flat we are: Lara, Jill, Jen, Steph, Azar and Dora... and Lauren's always around... Yeah, tons of people... and sometimes we have visitors too. I love this!! As an only child, I always treasure moments in which I can be surrounded by people, it's so much fun (ie: camp and get togethers).... though I do need some alone time sometimes...
like today... it was such a long day in the lab. Granted, I got there really late (10:45am), but stopped only for 30 min until 6pm. We were doing a thousand things at once. And tomorrow promises to be worse... and I had an assignment due today... so I got home just cranky. SO I went into my room and was about to start reading, when I hear Lauren knock. He acts so oblivious to my crankiness... like he'll see I'm in a bad mood, and just be nonchalant about it. It's great... then he heated up some scones I bought yesterday and made a mocha... How can you be cranky after that? So we both sat at my desk eating, drinking, and reading about science ethics... still was cranky for a while... but I kept hearing Jill and Lara around, making funny comments... so, after a while I was in a good mood, and silly, and laughing... and went outside to play! or at least talk to people and be merry... So I didn't do some lab stuff I should have... but I'm happy now and ready for a long tomorrow...
Laughed a lot today. And saw a stupid movie (baby maybe, or something like that)...
so, I'll miss the flat... Miss having my own little place... miss not having to worry about coming home late, or not coming at all (like when I got back from oxford at 5am)...
But, what I will treasure most about this experience is the knowledge that I can so do this. I can live alone, and cook (though I get spoiled by my flatmates and lauren a lot)... but I can do smart grocery shopping, and think of foods to make that are actually healthy! I can survive on a set budget, and still have fun and stuff... It sounds a bit trivial, but always living with my folks, it's like I needed to do it and prove it to myself... So now, I can go ahead and live my life the way it will play out (whichever way it decides to do so), and I will know that if need be I can survive by myself. Did I have a doubt that I could do it? Well, a little bit, but not really. I knew I could do it, I just needed to prove to myself that I could...
Also, London is so much fun! So much to do! SO much walking! I love it! Where am I going to walk back home? It's like I don't have to try to keep in shape bc with as much walking as I'm doing I'm feeling great without extra effort. I miss that about Argentina.... I'd like to have that for grad school... a city, a big city, with good transport system and loads to do... THough I've realized I'll still have to have a car... but at least having the option not to!
haha, I'm finally writing all those things I've been thinking about writing in this blog :P
Ah, update! We have eaten the MacAweenie and Cheese!!! It was horrible! IT didn't come with the promised cheese! So we greated some english cheddar (which is white... kind of fiting.. haha), but it just does not taste like macaroni and cheese.. It was better when we heated it up (again, fitting)... ok, I'll stop with the inuendos... Lauren, Lara and I did eat it though... that was sunday night dinner...
oh, and (*smile*) the number of blog readers is expanding. Amazing! So, if you're reading this and you haven't already posted, leave me a comment!
Ok... I should to go sleep, being 11:30pm and all..
Goodnight/Good afternoon!!
PS: I love and miss Ryan!! (thought you were saved from such talk, but noooo!!)
Friday, July 29, 2005
Random facts about me that you probably don't care anything about...
Welcome to the new edition of getting to know your friends. Okay here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be lame and spoil the fun! Just copy (not forward) this entire e-mail and paste into a new e-mail that you can send. Change all the answers so that they apply to you. Then send this to a whole bunch of people you know, INCLUDING the person that sent it to you. Some of you may get this several times- that means you have lots of friends.
1. What is your full name now? GVZ
2. What color pants are you wearing? blue jeans
3. What are you listening to right now? people in the computer room
4. What was the last thing you ate? a fruit smoothie from Nero (now my throat hurts)
5. Do you wish on stars? only shooting ones
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? fuchsia
7. How is the weather right now? great! No more humidity AND the sun is out!
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? um... Shruthy called yesterday for Lara and I answered...
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Of course, I haven't talked to her for ages though!
10. How old are you today? 22
11. Favorite drink? strawberry daiquiri...
12. Favorite sport? soccer
13. Hair color? brown
14. Siblings? 2 step-brothers
15. Favorite food? milanesa, empanadas, sambayon ice cream...
16. What was the last movie you watched? um, Y tu mama tambien!
17. Favorite day of the year? May 16th and April 23rd
18. What was your favorite toy as a child? Pin y Pon
19. Summer or winter? spring
20. Hugs or kisses? both, together if possible
21. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate... belgian chocolate or dark chocolate
22. Do you want your friends to email you back? mais, oui! (yes)
23. Who is most likely to respond? not sure
24. Who is least likely to respond? Erika, cuz she sent it.
25. Living arrangements? Now, flat in london (Until aug 19th).
26. When was the last time you cried? hmm, a couple of weeks ago I think...
27. What is under your bed? three suitcases
28. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Caroli (since we were 3)
29. What did you do last night? watched tv with flatmates, ate dinner, wrote emails, turned off the light, slept
30. Favorite smell? this one perfume that gives me good flashbacks
31. Favorite TV show? um, gosh, it's been a while since I watched anything regularly... The Daily Show on comedy central, I guess.. i just love jon stewart
32. Happy In life? yup
33. What are you afraid of? being alone
34. Plain, buttered or salted popcorn? buttered and salted
35. Favorite car? VW beetle or some BMWs
36. Favorite Flower? daisies, sunflowers... all flowers are wonderful!
37. Number of keys on your key ring? 2
38. How many years at your current job? job??? um, I've been doing research for about a year... but that's been among 3 different labs in 3 different cities... I'm a student, that job's been off and on for like, 20 yrs haha
39. Favorite day of the week? Friday... you've got the whole weekend ahead of you.. but actually, saturdays... I only really dislike sunday nights..
40. What did you do on your last birthday? Celebrated my bday with friends at this one restaurant... but that was on sat... the day of my bday i went to class, went to lab, made dinner (mac and cheese) and had people over, family and my bf.. got some amazing presents, all related to the trip, which was way cool
41. How many cities have you lived in? I think 10...
42. Do you make friends easily? yes
43. How many people will you be sending this to? Many!
Skype craze
But it seems that the craze is worldwide... as I was notified of this great service by my friend Jade, that's in China right now, and Rosemarie, that's in San Diego/Pomona right now... So, if you want to talk to anyone for free, with a good connection, via the internet, download the program at
Felt I should at least try and tell people, since I got reprimanded from Jade for not telling her about it... Ok, sorry, I didn't know everyone was an internet addict as me... oh, no, I guess people just love to talk for free...
Anyway, it's 11am, at the PAWS room in the lab building (Franklin Wilkins Building), and nothing will commence until 12:30... so in a bit I'll walk over to the Strand campus and take care of some financial matters.
In other news, the mints were a success. Jen and I had a whole one; Lara, Steph, Jill and Lauren all had halves... which halves I will not tell.. hahaha!!! And we are all anxious to see if the pasta is any good... so once I make it, I will inform...
okey dokey... bye bye
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Peppermint Peckers...
anyway, today all was well... didn't really do much... Slept at 11pm last night! Woke up at 6am, and didn't take a nap thereafter! Amazing!!
Bought Harry Potter, with the adult cover, bc I think it's the most ridiculous thing ever!!! Here's a pic of the cover (the only thing that's different):
Here's a pic of the mints:
and a better pic
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
This too will pass... in a sad way though (which is a good way)

Yeah, so this is me like a few minutes ago: So, yeah, smiley as always I guess. I actually "dressed up today", which meant actually wearing some color, two pigtails (you can't tell in the pic, so here, let me take a few more).


So, life is better. I went to this really cool talk on stem cell research, and actually understood a lot about it. Like, it made sense and I followed him. If I could be a quarter of the scientist this guy is, that would be amazing. Like, he's accomplished so much. Incredible!!! So, I'll look into that type of research, though it's so limited in the states... The guy was american, but working here at King's College. So cool, it's not even funny :)
In similar news, Dr. MAS emailed me a few days ago to tell me the paper we submitted is being accepted with minor changes... I'm listed as an author on it, the last author, mind you... but I'm going to be published! So exciting! My first paper.... I really don't want to say too much until it's actually published, just in case you know... Ahhh, when I found out that I was going to be listed as an author, I was sooo excited. That wasn't the plan originally, as my project got changed so much... but, I guess I did so much work that totally helped the paper (it needed a few more experiments and then resubmitted, so my project was to complete those experiments). So, yeah. I got a lot of experience of it, and the respect of a lot of the Master's students, which was awesome. To be considered as an equal or collegue, and respected as an intelligent scientist, was cool. Can't complain here either, Dr. Knight's really cool, and challenges me to give answers, just as the master's student I'm working with. So, I need to get my act together, if I want to become a good scientist...
Alas, I am sane again!!! Well, now I have another bug, but still... I hope I don't sound to arrogant, now that I'm a bit more confident... :P
Anyways, I've gotten over my bad mood (put some music and had some G time) and now I'll go out to the kitchen, where Lauren is making dinner...
A long post...
So, I've been procrastinating writing in this blog, I dunno why. I say procrastinating, because during some of my walks I think about what I would like to write about, and then I don't. I started yesterday, after I got home from the lab, but felt lazy... didn't want to write, or clean my room, or anything. So, I started to blog, and decided I should clean, so I did. I'm pretty happy with how my room looks now. I even vacuumed, though I piled papers to be sorted, which I might do today, though i want to go out. So, I was about to clean the bathroom, but then lauren came home, so I decided not to. Meanwhile I was doing something on my computer, and left my door open. So then Lauren came in and read a magazine (it's so funny, he's addicted to these women's magazines... and now he's almost done with them.. so, he's like, we need more men magazines (in an all girl flat?).. so of course I tease him and say, you just say that bc you ran out of cosmo and the such... haha, but Steph to the rescue, has more in her room.
Then, Lauren and Steph came in with their laptops, and we all hung out in my room like geeks... Eating junkfood too. I so didn't feel like making or eating dinner. Then I got a bit of cabin fever, as usual. We made some dinner, had some red wine, and then went to bed... Well, I stayed till 1am, doing nothing basically.
Totally missed Ryan yesterday, started listening to the high fidelity cd he gave me (the 1st one I got from him), so that totally reminds me of him, so that was a bit depressing. And I kept playing mroe songs that reminded me of him, and kept saying, I miss Ryan. Which I think got on lauren's nerves, or at least made him a bit uneasy.
So, today I actually talk to Ryan, and I think 75% of the coversation was me saying I love you, I miss you. To which I think he finally got bored or tired of it, and said, I think we've established that we miss each other. Not in a bad way, he wasn't mean about it. I just think I was so out of it. With my 5hs of sleep, and my weird cabin fever mood. So, yeah, I'll try to be better. As he says, I'll get back home and totally miss London. I know I'm totally going to go through withdrawal. It's so fun here, with the flatmates, the walking, the weird adverts, the mind the gap at the tube stations, looking to the right first when crossing the street, understanding the british with their accents, traveling through Europe, always having somewhere to go, someone to talk to. My flat is so fun, if we're not talking, or eating, we're watching tv or a movie, or playing gin rummy, or cutting up/chopping up food... It's great! And London is so great, with it's double decker buses, and the cute telephone booths (which I use regularly when I phone the states)... Is it odd to say, if Ryan were here I probably wouldn't mind it at all. It's incredible how much I miss him, and how I know things would be so much greater if I could share it with him. Even though I do have a good friend in lauren, and we go everywhere together, which is cool, because alone Europe wouldn't be as much fun... But it's different. Bc in Ryan I have my best friend, my confident, my lover, and the smartest, sweetest, and ''humblest'' guy ever (haha!).
Ok, I'm sure I've passed my let's talk about Ryan limit for this blog, though I doubt he minds it :) I of course don't either.
So, I should go get some lunch, I have one hour to go... But I'm not hungry. Nor do I want a sandwich or salad. But I don't know where else to go that has good food, around here anyways, that's cheap. Plus, I hate eating alone, I really do. And I have no one to share my lunchtime with... If I had alonger lunch, I would either go down to have lunch with lauren, or get some myself by London Bridge (where he works). There's a ton of places there that I know are good and not expensive. I guess I can walk about and find something, or go down to the cafeteria. Or go to that good bakery or something.
Again, lazy griselda doesn't want to.
So, I should be writing about Salzburg/Traunstein/Munich, but I don't feel like it right now. I did love it there! Munich was such a cool city! I've got to but titles in my pics and then send 'em out. Such a great place, though!! I'd like to go back there, and visit Darsau.. and go to Berlin and other cities in Germany. Of course I would like Germany.
Europe is so different than what I envisioned. So much better I think, thugh I expected more from Paris... But I think that's due to my own ignorance. So, I'll have to read up on all these places and go back, and I think I'll get more out of it. I think I'll enjoy Rome, since I did learn a lot of Roman history and mythology when I studied Latin. So, I'm excited. Plus, those are my roots, and from some italians I've met, I gather I'll be nostalgic for Argentina, as they speak with a very similar tone, and are loud and fun... and I might be able to get my favorite ice cream (cross your fingers for me!).
Ok, off to go do something else...
Thursday, July 21, 2005
So, here I am... it's 12:15... took a nap in the afternoon... that's why I'm still sane... Though I had a bit to drink and was quite amusing to people, to myself as well... fun times, kind of... want to go out!!! But, I'll do that this weekend... Salzburg here I come!!
Could not get Ryan out of my head today... Which is not a bad thing... however, I have to wait one more month to see him, so it really drives me nuts, you know? Like, I want him here now!! Which, of course, is not possible... But I want to hug him, and kiss him, and talk to him for hours, and hold his hand... and hear his laugh... so, I compromised and called him at 3pm, when I got out of lab... and heard his real voice, not the skype-mutated version... so, that was nice... he's so wonderful, and amazing... and succesful... I just love him sooo much!!!!!!!! Can't wait until August... and then Florida in September...
ah, I'm just crazy in love today...

So here's an image of the Eiffel Tower, to go with the theme of love I guess....
haha, there's Lauren on the left doing something silly....
I miss Ryan....
ok, now, I'm off to bed....
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Going to Germany on Friday !!!!
So, it's 23:31, and I promise I'll go to sleep at midnight, because I desperately want 6hs of sleep.
So, I figured out that today I guess I did look different... I didn't wash my hair and I put it in a ponytail, and I guess it looked nice and my hair looked darker... anyway, that's so odd, you know? I think I was probably paler due to the lack of sleep as well.... Anyway, my flatmates told me that I did look different.... and I told them about the random men talking to me and gawking at me... only a few, and older people, as usual (really creepy, really)...
Ok, I need to go to sleep in a little while!!!
Anyway, so I get to the kitchen (we live at the kitchen)... wanting to go out... but Lauren didn't want to, and I was tired... and a bit irritated... and he was reading a Cosmo, and flips it over... then I flip it over to reveal something to the extent of how to touch a naked man... to which we laughed a lot... and then we were going to read some of the tips out loud.... and I randomly picked one... and then realized I could not read that aloud! Some... seem hard to maneuver... only for coordinated people I guess...
Ok, one clock says midnight the other 5 till.... hmmm...
I get distracted...
GOing to Germany on Friday... I have a relative that lives there. I'm sooo excited... One weekend France, the other Germany... in a few Rome, Italy... and in the middle England!!! I'm so stoked...
Anyways, off to try to get to bed!!!!!
Oh, I just wanted to add that I think I came off to strong before... I actually got to talk about some of the things with Lauren and Dora... they were actually cool and listened! I really do like everyone here... I just get irritated a bit... which is a bit weird, I'm usually more tolerable of people...
I miss Ryan :( One more month and I'm back in his arms!!!!!!!! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
Ok, goodnight!
PS: Feliz dia del amigo!!!!!!!
PS2: And here's me at L'Arc de Triomphe (I hope I spelled that right!)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Weird day
So, today was weird... Slept really few hours, stayed up for no reason at all... Talked to Ryan at 6am... went back to sleep until 8:50am... Took a bath, cleaned the bathroom... had breakfast, made lunch.... Jen and Steph and Lauren had breakfast with me... I always feel like I'm the one listening and not the one talking... and I wanted to share a bit of my thoughts today... I was quite upset actually... but no one cared... those that do are too far away I guess...
Anyway, I've gotta be back in the lab in like 10 min..
Wore my Eiffel Tower earings today... and I got all these random men talking to me and gawking... and I'm thinking, ok, seriously, earrings don't make that much of a difference. I didn't even wash my hair today... I guess since I was kind of upset I was just walking with my head up and processing stuff... I guess ignorance does it for some people, I dunno... it was weird...
That's probably the last thing Ryan wants to hear, eh.. DOn't worry,no cute English guys... on that note (of stuff RYan doesn't wanna hear... and I say it now bc I forget to tell him things... mostly bc it's so early in the morning that my brain has trouble rebooting)... anyway, so Lauren and I spend a lot of time together (and Ryan knows he doesn't have to worry about Lauren)... so, after spending one month with someone, you get to know them. I don't really have to much patience for Lauren, I really don't. I have a few reasons why not, but they're not really that important, nor are they obvious reasons. I don't mind the obviousness of the situation, just little things... Anyway, so now everyone says we act like an old married couple... which I think is mostly because I have less patience for him now, and don't mind bickering... I dunno, it drives me nuts that they say that, because stuff like this always happens when you spend way too much time together... I think I got along better with Diana last year in Minnesota than with Lauren... But see, she was a real friend. We totally clicked, and she listened to me and cared and stuff... And no, I don't like girls... we just became really good friends, on the same page. I really do miss her, though she'll be in NY for her PhD, and if I can get in to a school on the East coast that would be great! And I'd be closer to her.
Ahh, I miss Diana :P haha
Ahh, gotta go...
Wow, I have more than one reader!
So, a note to them:
Marie: you're on the web too :) Ah, us internet folk...
James: yeah, I'm not as inspired to write as you are...
Ok, off to bed...
PS: Got back from paris last night... soooo exciting!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 08, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Stressed out..
So, yeah, I was fine... and about 20min ago, after I ate and relaxed a bit, I got totally tense...
It's been a really long day...
So, I wake up at 6am to talk to sweet Ryan... to find out he had had a miserable day because of this email I sent him, sharing this weird experience after the research symposium... which I don't want to delve into... so, I'm trying to get him to get rid of his horrible impression of me... (ah, the sound of ambulances in the background..) trying to make him remember how much I love him, and how I would never do anything to hurt him, not knowingly anyways. I just can't get into this right now... probably should just drop it anyways... water under the bridge, as ryan says..
and then... I find out about these explosions, which are thought to be terrorist attacks... here in London... one of them three stops from where I'm at..
I just feel a bit disconcerted and sad... I dunno, it's really weird... I'm just so tired and fragile right now... I can't really stand much...
It was so.... I called Ryan and he seemed so concerned on the phone... so scared, I guess. Which, is totally understandable... because the thought of losing him is too much for me to bear at any moment... He didn't go into work until like 10 (left his house at 9am)... which means he was distraught...and I was ok... not even really near anything... but close enough I guess... So, maybe tomorrow I'll be able to talk more about it... I thought it would be cathartic to write it... but I'm just so confused and tired... and trying to relax right now... Had to leave the kitchen and rest a bit, though they were watching almost famous... I just couldn't handle anything.
It was really odd.. More so because I was fine until then.

Yeah, so here's some idea of what the distances between the explosions and where I'm at are... So, they were all across the Thames River...
Anyway, feeling a bit more relaxed now...... So yeah, adventures in England...
I'll write more another day.
Until then.....
London attack
So, incredibly, there were some explosions here in London today... so I feel the need to write something about it... I'll insert some exerpts from an email I wrote to Ryan...
"So, here I am, on my lunch break, between Western Blot stuff... andthis craziness about... There are rumors that AlQaeda is behindthis... I'm not sure, of course, and am hooked on BBC either via internet or via TV. I cannot believe all of this is happening here.It's such a shame, the amount of people involved... It was during rushhour, which means loads of people on every form of transportation...Everyone's trying to get as much information as possible... and thoseof us in the lab are trying to do so while getting labwork done.It seemed like a normal day... I talked to Ryan via Skype then took an hour nap, took a quick shower and had breakfast. Made lunch (a sandwich), and it was 9:45am, watched some TV (Frasier andWill and Grace) and it became 10:15am... I was running late! So I rushed out, forgetting my sandwich. Contemplated taking the tube or the bus, but figured that would take longer. Plus, I've mastered the short cut to the lab... As I'm walking I see like three ambulances and police rush by me, towards the same place it seemed. So, I get to the lab,and ask Adrian what's going on... that there were some explosions, on the tube and on a bus... and then I found it all out...Pretty scary stuff...But, I'm okay. "
So many attacks that I've "witnessed" in my lifetime... The AMIA attack in Argentina, 9/11, now this... and so many more smaller ones. Kind of horrible, the times we're living in... when terrorist attacks are becoming more normal...
That's all for right now... 7/7/05
London, England...
So, I've been in London for over 2 weeks now... kind of odd, I know... very exciting though... So, I'll speak more about all of this later...
For now, I'm off to bed.
and good afternoon Californians...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
The sweetest man in the world... and he's mine!!
I love you Ryan!!!!!!!!!!
Seeing you today was like the first light upon the horizon in the earliest of morning. Your beauty is like the light, radiating forth and cutting through the darkness that is my emptiness without you. For those few moments, you were closer, closer than you had been when we were just emailing, or IMing, or even speaking. There you were, just as pretty, funny, wonderful and amazing as I remember. Im sorry if I was a bit quite earlier, perhaps I couldn't quite find the words to describe how I felt.
I Love You, perhaps one day I'll find the words to explain it to is full extent.
T - Tentative - There are a lot of big decisions coming up, i.e. graduate schools, moving, testing, amonst other less looming, but nevertheless important. It's important to move ahead, not slowly, but cautiously, and more so, always forward. We will need to make many of these decisions together, and I look forward to preparing our futures to become our future.
W - Wishful - When you wish upon a star...Well I know what I'd wish for...and what if I wish upon an interstellar collision with a meteor...does that count as double?
Z - Zeal - Defined as "ardor: a feeling of strong eagerness (usually in favor of a person or cause)" I think you understand the 'person' ascribed in the definition. You are the most amazing woman I have ever known. You continue to fascinate and scintillate. I love you so much, and am so completely head over heels in love with you.
I love you, now and in the future, 4everNAlways
Monday, May 30, 2005
One month to live...
If I only had one month to live, I would try to do budget my time accordingly in order to efficiently do everything I want to have done. I would spend the first few days trying to get my affairs in order, both at school with my coursework and clubs, and in my personal life, notifying people of my upcoming death and trying to assimilate this news myself.
Overall, I would spend more time with my parents, showing them how much I really care about them. I would also spend time with my stepbrother and his family, and make sure his children do not forget how much I love them. I would probably spend the most amount of time with my boyfriend, enjoying every day we have together. But also trying to prepare him for my death, ensuring that he lives a prosperous life, and will not dwell on my death so much as to ruin his future.
Then, I would drive to Las Vegas with my boyfriend and my parents, to tell my aunt and cousins the news. We would only stay there for a weekend and take many pictures together, so that they can remember me at this age, and not only the memories they have of me as a child. Since I would not be able to travel to Argentina and Paraguay to visit the rest of my family and friends, I would spend a few hours talking to them on the phone. I would update them on the recent things going on in my life, so they would realize how happy I am at this point in my life, and that I have no regrets. I would also call my best friend that lives in Israel, whom I have known since I was 3 years old. During any free moments that other friends have, I would spend with them. Since they are the people I have the most fun with, I would enjoy being in their company and forgetting the bad news.
Crazy, I am
I've been so... like, obsessive lately... I really don't know how Ryan has so much patience for me... I have a feeling he's getting tired of it too... Like, ok, what's up this time, kind of thing... I really don't know... like, everything's great... except I know I'm leaving soon, and want to spend like every waking moment with him... which is not possible. And, in his defense, I never go right out and say, hey babe, I want to see you today, how can we make that possible. I beat around the bush and say it... which gets old fast. But I know I can't be so selfish all the time, you know... that I need to understand that he has a life too, and it can't all revolve around me... But, I guess it's something I'll have to work on...
In any case... life is great. I'm so in love with Ryan... it's totally crazy :) crazy in love that is... it's scary though, how much you can love someone, you know... so different in any case. But I'm loving going through it, especially with such a great guy as he is... I'm glad he learns to put up with me :)
not like I'm that bad, I'd like to think... but we all have our moments... and I think I give him way too hard a time... way too mean to him than I'd care to be... but that's something I'm trying to amend.. I always end up hurting those that are so close to me... at least that's what my folks say...... that i'm a bit ungrateful with them... it goes back to them bc i am a bit ungrateful to them, and don't want to do the same in my relationship with ryan....
then again, i talk too much... and analyze things so much they no longer make sense, not even to me...
so june 16 is D-day.. d day I leave, that is... to mysterious London... no idea what that'll be like for me.... Europe!! incredible.... I hope I get to enjoy every moment of it... even though I'll be totally homesick... at least ryansick... kind of an odd way of putting it, since I have yet to get sick of Ryan...
oh, and in August I get to go to Florida with Ryan :) yeeeeeeeeeyyyy... for a week :)
I have yet to inform my parents... though i've known for over a month.... I'm so bad... think I'm getting worse, too....
I'm 22... I should be more mature and stronger... right?
haha :)
anyway, enough delirious g for one day...
Monday, April 18, 2005
Monday, April 04, 2005
Sunday night...
So, it's 10:27pm, and I'm really tired. I have a headache, bc I'm tired I think. But I haven't worked on my budget... plus the whole day light saving time thing... plus I wanna talk to Ryan... gosh I'm so spoiled and selfish... oh well :P
went to the museum of tolerance today. So sad, and just, horrifying I guess... it's just really hard to comprehend, you know? And I feel like this could happen again, and what could I do about it, you know, I feel so powerless. Like those dreams where you're screaming but no sound comes out, and no one can hear you... maybe that's just my dreams (some of them, anyways)...
And tomorrow commences week 2 of the beautiful quarter system... ah...
anyway, got a real sweet email from ryan this morning... he's so sweet :) I love him so much :) I miss him... haha, but I saw him last night... oh well, that's the way it is, I guess... I can't imagine how much I'll miss him when in London. I'm glad it's only for 2 months, and not longer :) Still, it's a long time...
In other thoughts... I need to go visit Eka (who hasn't responded my two calls... probably cuz I've fallen off of the face of the Earth lately)... and I need to go visit Abel and Laura... and email people from argentina... and call Eli... it's been a year since she's left... And of course, parts of me think... and again, in a year, I'll be who knows where, making new friends... but I know that there are some friends (I hope) will never be lost... then again, I think this every time, and is never true... except Caroli...
Anyway, budget info:
Flight: $100 (per person, Jet Blue)
Car rental: $300 (Enterprise/Dollar/Thrifty
Food (3 days): $100 (per person)
Hotel stay: $200 (per person)
Gas: $50
Total: $700/person + $50 gas= $750 (1 person), or $1450 (2 people)
anyway, I'm dying.. off to sleep...
Thursday, March 31, 2005
It's a fraud I tell you...
so it's me again... not only am I uninspired, but I'm totally scared shitless... well, more unmotivated than anything else... Like, how am I going to get into graduate school? How!? Which makes it hard to write an essay about how convinced I am on going to grad school...
Haha, I'm sure anyone that knows me and reads this might think I'm silly... But, I dunno... Lately I've been so lazy and stuff... and like, I have no idea what I'd like to research. Maybe I should just go to industry and screw school... but its like I have my mind set on this grad school thing...
(ok, this link is weird: ) [no, I'm not distracted easily, why do you ask?... oh, the paper I'm supposed to be writing, right! Oh, it's 4:43pm... oh... well that means Ryan'll be off of work soon... Oh, right, it's 4:43pm and I haven't written anything... I should feel guilty, right? No? Oh, I should just write and stop being delirious... ok!]
Describe the field of study in which you would like to pursue a doctoral degree and the research questions or theoretical perspectives that interest you in this field. Please be specific.
Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology.
At the cellular level, the molecular aspects of the proteins and other
components are important, but also the interaction of all of these elements
gives the cell its unique characteristics.
If a protein is acting incorrectly, or is not working, one can look at
the genetic level to see if there is a mutation. One can also look at the
cellular level and see what other proteins are involved which might have
produced the negative effect on the questioned protein. Diseases, such as cystic
fibrosis, are caused by a malfunction in a membrane protein caused by a mutation
of that protein. By understanding more about how these proteins work, one can
propose a way to alter them at some level and allow them to work, or one can
diagnose a genetic problem early enough to propose some kind of gene therapy.
These proposals are still being tested, hence the importance of vertebrate
models. The success in such models, and a homology in such problem at the human level, can help construct therapies that will help many people with genetic
diseases and predispositions.
As a scientist, I am interested in understanding all the aspects that
make these processes work. First at the cellular level, the interactions between
molecules, and how they activate each other successively, resulting in a product
or process that is highly regulated, but I am also interested in the biochemical
reasons for such occurrences. If a protein isn’t transcribed, and one can
attribute it to a hindrance in the translational or transcriptional machinery,
therefore relating the chemistry of the reaction to the actual biological
process, then we have more knowledge and viewpoints that will help in solving
the problem. Therefore, by relating the molecular and biochemical components to the impact at the cellular level, one can further understand biological processes in depth. Thus, as a scientist I am deeply interested in different ways and
levels of comprehending biological development.Ok, so I have to be more specific... Or I should anyways, plus I just did cut and paste from old essays..
Oh well... I'll stop blogging now....
So, It's Cesar Chavez day (aka: no classes!!!! yeeyyy)..... So here I am, at home, with 3 essays I need to write :P
But I am happy. Just did this video kick boxing workout thing that Melissa gave me like forever ago. But it was cool, I feel energized... and really really hungry :P
So, I'll take a shower, make some lunch, put some music and write my essays :)
Recap on my spring break... For the first parts of it I was a lab rat :) Did a whole bunch of experiments, which went well, except that the primers were screwed up, so we don't have a stop codon... so I'll need to start up again on mon, with new primers and stuff.
Last Thursday night (a week ago, sigh...) we went to the river with Ryan :) Jade and Bobby went on Friday night... We had a blast! Played a ton of games (ie: Cranium, Taboo, Life, Stare, Rummikub, etc)... and we had a bbq, and made a huge breakfast on Sun morning... Plus, Ryan and I ranked states for grad school... Mass. being #1 (and Boston being the most expensive place in the country, so we hear)... Overall it was really nice, though kind of sad, cuz Ryan's dad sold the place...
In other news, I'm going to London over the summer to do research :) So much fun!!!! It'll be my first time in Europe!!! So exciting! Kind of sad though, too... 2 months away from Ryan :( Hurray for the internet, though... But there's like 8hours difference :(
And the quarter's started again :P At least Zoo is over!!
And on Tues, March 29th, Ryan and I went to IHOP, just like we did a year prior to that (as you can see in the blog... the first time we hung out, talked and had coffee..... but I actually ate this time!!)
Anyway, off to do all the stuff I've set out to do!!!