Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Vacation. (or, rather 26 days til W-Day)


So, I am addicted to blogs. No, not writing in them (obviously), but reading them. Yes, a bit voyeuristic (no, I don't care about spelling at the moment), though I do post on some. or have posted at some point in the past.

Why? Well, lack of social interaction, maybe. Lack of emails, most definitely. I dunno, it's interesting to learn about peoples lives. Most of the blogs I read are from strangers that live in the UK, bc I really miss London. But, believe it or not, (I think) I am a good listener bc it's interesting to hear what people say and how. Of course I read the blogs of people I know too, and that's cool on a different level, I guess. I dunno.

Yeah, I'm a bit bored, but with plenty to do.
Like FINISH packing... I pack for like an hour each day and then get engulfed in the internet, or letters from who knows whom from way back when. And wedding stuff.

Most of which is completed. Kind of. Most is assembled, yes.

Um. Went to see cars today with Ryan. Very very good. Ryan is in love with Pixar, I think. More in love with me. But still in love with Pixar. :P Haha

And went to Island's with Melissa, Matt, Claudia and Frito. That was fun!! and they helped me assemble wedding stuff.

And we swam a few laps in the pool (I was a bit lazy though) at Ryan's.

Happy fourth of July.

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