Thursday, July 20, 2006

Stem Cells


SO my parents told me yesterday about how Bush vetoed another stem cell bill...and at first I was like, yeah, nothing new. But then I read this morning's OC Register (actually read a lot of it today, quite unusual, very proud of myself) and the article about the veto.

People are ignorant.

And, as Pedro points out, very closed minded.
Hello people! Scientists aren't going to stop you from making babies!!! The fact is that there are A LOT of embryos waiting for mommies, and you know what, there aren't enough mommies. So they're just sitting there in freezers, waiting, when they could be used for research that may well save your mommy when she gets Alzeimers (or insert any one of multiple diseases). So they bring in parents with their "snowflake" children. I think that's great, that parents that can't have kids adopt embryos. If there were a shortage of embryos, then maybe, ok, let's not kill a life. BUT THIS IS NOT WHAT IS HAPPENING.

Don't give me any religious crap either. I'm religious, I'm Jewish. Whatever. I am also a scientist. Let me correct that, I am a scientist, and I am a Jew. AAAAND!!!!!!! There is a separation of church and state, so don't tell me you did this because you're a good Catholic. Because then, then I will be furious.

I respect all religions. I respect your right to think and chose to do whatever you please. But please don't mix your religious beliefs with those of the rest of the country. Because you are not supporting my beliefs... I am not catholic, ok, so don't offend me with your "morals".

Ok, I'm sorry.

Another things that pissed me off--> representatives from Diamond Bar, Irvine and Fullerton voted against this... and I'm thinking, how many scientists live in these cities, how many universities are located in or around these cities? And they voted against this. THIS is a moment when schools need to do something about this. You know? Yes, everyone gets rowled up over tomatoes and immigration... how about scientific issues?

---- Griselda walks off her soap box--------

Ok, Griselda needs a breather.....


Ok, so, back to more mundane stuff....

What are the ethics of blogging? Like, I feel weird commenting on stranger's blogs that I don't know, yet have bookmarked. Should I announce my presence, like "hello, you do not know me, but I find your blog quite entertaining. I apologize if I check your blog 3 times a day, but I am currently on vacation where my responsibilities are to pack and plan a wedding. To keep myself sane I read other people's lives and am very intrigued. Thank you for keeping me occupied and sane. Come September I will probably visit your site once a week. Come November maybe once a month. But I look forward to reading you daily again in December. In 2007, when my PhD will really start rolling, hopefully, I will read your blog once a week. Thank you."

Anyways. What are the rules?

Ok, I gueeeess I should go start on the packing thing.



PS: You do not need to comment on my blog, but it would be interesting to see if anyone, besides Marie and Ryan read this. I actually do not think so. But, I could be wrong.

PS2: You think I offended someone with the top half of my post?

PS3: I really really like PS's

1 comment:

Rubén said...

I do read your blog from time to time.
In fact, I have the feed on Bloglines, so I check it out when I'm bored at work.

La unica iglesia que ilumina es la que arde.
saluditos :)