Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I do


So, yes, I am on my honeymoon, and we're taking a few moments to blog our memories of these past few days, and our time here in Hawaii... we don't want to forget any details.

Anyways, so on Sunday, July 30 I said I do. But here's more info and details...

Ok, so on Saturday I woke up WAY TOO EARLY (aka 5am) and I went to get flowers for the wedding in LA. I ordered arrangements and bouquets, but needed flowers to take the petals off of them, and it is much cheaper in LA (read: 4 dozen roses for $14). And, might I mention that we stayed up late with Ryan the night before working on the music. So, I was tired. But very happy and excited. So, we went to Carmen's and removed all the petals and put them in containers. Then, took a little nap, and went for a manicure and pedicure (Carmen's treat!). It was great!! It was a whirpool pedicure, which is the bomb! (who says the bomb anymore, huh?)

Anyway, that took FOREVER (like two hours), but it turned out SOO PRETTY! Yey for my nails. Then Melissa came over and we finished up wedding stuff. And then followed Claudia, Ryan, Justin and Marie. We had a bbq, laughed a lot... and I stressed about the music again... stayed up til 12:30 working on it. (HAha, Ryan just called me a 'starbucks tall' as he sips his blackberry green tea... we have a starbucks and jamba juice at our hotel, very very awesome)... anyway... so then I wake up on Sunday (WEDDING DAY!!!) at 7am... I made sure all the music was a-okay (I know, I was stressing way too much about it), finished packing, had some milk (couldn't have a real breakfast) and then took a shower. At around 10am, Eduardo, the hairdresser, arrived, and started doing my hair. It turned out very pretty, if I do say so myself (ton of hairspray!!). Then, at 11am, he finished and we took off to Pomona.

Pedro almost made me cry on the way, because he was saying how proud he was of me, and how much I accomplished with my life (graduating, getting into Yale, getting married). He was like, what more could we ask for? It was really touching (I get a little tear-y eyed just remembering).

Anyway, we get to Cal Poly by noon, tiara in place... haha. Everything looked great!!! There was only one thing a bit off (where the heart souvenirs were placed), but that was taken care of. I just needed to finalize the seating arrangements and make some final decisions. Everyone did an AMAZING job!!! I was so happy and relaxed... we were in great shape!!

Plus, we took sandwiches for everyone to eat (not many people did, I think... but I ate 3-- the first thing I ate that day, milk doesn't count...). And then it became 12:45 and everyone was bugging me to start getting ready. Finally I did. Oh, but before that I saw the cake, which looked a little different than I had imagined, but still very very cool. So, my mom started doing my makeup, and it became 1pm, and I hear that my cousins had arrived. So, I tell someone to tell them to come over and see me. So both of my cousins helped me do my make-up, which was sooo much fun! I miss them so much, just hanging out with them and stuff. In any case, then it came time to put the dress and jewelry on! It was so beautiful, and went to well with my hairdo. I really felt like a princess....

and then people had to go line up (ie maids of honor, etc) and I was left alone in this big room. So, I was just kind of standing around and looking at myself in the mirror... ME! A bride... It was weird and exciting and so just happy! Then the officiant came and almost made me cry with what he was saying (I was imagining Ryan and I saying our vows and stuff, and it made me really emotional).
Then he left, they called me out... hand in hand with Pedro, and my other hand with my lovely bouquete.

It was great to see everyone's faces in the audience. And to stare at Ryan, as he gazed at me with the biggest smile, and that amazed and oh so happy smile. He's so awesome. He was so cute, whispering "I love you" and "You're so beautiful" every now and then. He was so awesome! Haha, he IS so awesome!

In any case, the ceremony went beautifully. With the rock ceremony (which allowed me time to see everyone and make eye contact and smile, and I'm sure there were some pics of that too!). Then we said I do and our vows, stomped the glass and were pronounced husband and wife. For the first time called Mr and Mrs Catania (although I will be, haha, am : Mrs. Z-C)...

then for a billion pics with everyone... and then we were announced.... and then the perfect party. Great food! Everyone we love! Lots of dancing!!! And everyone complimented us on all the details! The first dance, the dance with Pedro! Oh so nice.... My first tossing of my bouquet that made it past the 10 people lined up, and then the second time Jade caught it. Frito caught the garter... and well, everyone was so great! Mel and jade got drunk... I got a little tipsy. My argentinean songs rocked my world. But, best of all, I was married (am married) to the most wonderful guy in the world.

So, then, after much dancing and singing out loud, we picked up everything. I finally peed (how do you spell that?) which was not hard at all (bc of the dress, I mean).

Then we saw the car that Jade and Daniel were going to take us to Ryan's with all decorated with a "Just Married" sign and condoms all over it -- slightly gross, but very cool!

Then we got to Ryan's house -- I was carried over the threshold by Ryan into his bedroom... and then off to unload the car! Haha! Then we all (jade, daniel, marie, justin, rhett, ryan and I) ate the top tier of our cake (a chocolate cake with chocolate icing-- very awesome!). THen people left.... we opened our gift cards (which we are very very amazed about!) and then headed off to start the honeymoon....

Some pictures of things I have described:

1 comment:

nongi said...

OMG, I'm so proud of you Gri!
Muchiiiiiisimas felicidades a vos y Ryan! This blog was beautiful, I almost cried reading it... Can feel that you and Ryan are happily in love, y eso es lo mas importante!
Te deseo lo mejor de lo mejor! And may both of you live Happily Ever After!!
Aw... still can't believe that you're MARRIED