Friday, August 12, 2005



So, today's Friday, which means in a week I will be on a plane home.

So, am I excited, am I ecstatic, and I being really touristy, am I smiling non-stop... Well, yes and no... I've been in a weird mood as of late. I really dunno why... I think... Well I dunno what I think...
So, I am very excited to go back home!! And I found out that Melissa was almost going to go by the airport as a surprise, but can't bc of work... But it was very touching. SO, hopefully she'll stop by my place after work. In any case, Ryan's picking me up, so I couldn't be happier.

Am I ecstatic? Well, I'd have to say no, as I'm dreading going back home and doing all that work and stuff... I dunno how I'm going to choose a graduate school and program, and study for the GREs and start on my applications, all in 2 weeks... I guess by just sitting down and doing it :P Do it!!! I've been a bum long enough here in London.. Which reminds me of the report I have to get done, sometime in the next 4 months... Plus, I'm going to miss London, regardless of anything I might add later in this post.

Not really being touristy... I've been in the lab quite a bit, now that Adrian's gone, and I have to do the experiments by myself. I actually sort of designed the one I'm doing today, which I have a feeling Adrian wouldn't have done... But, that also means that I'll have to be here both Mon and TUes doing experiments... No going to Cambridge or Brighton for a day trip, I'm afraid. I will be very touristy this weekend.. And hopefully tonight's flat party won't ruin my Sat morning.

Am I smiling nonstop? That's a definite nooo!! I've been really moody and mean and stuff lately. But more than anything jealous. Jealous at the stupidest most minute things. I think I realized just how jealous I can get, on this trip, and I really want to move past it... And you're wondering exactly why and in what circumstances... Well, in some ways, too many to count... But yesterday I got really jealous, and thankfully after a while my logical side kicked in and I realized that I do the same things that make me jealous. Ah, but I will not explain this... Any of this paragraph, really...

anyway, about Rome... It was sooooo awesome! We got there on Thursday, after very few hours of sleep (which made me not the happiest person in the world, but still bearable)... We walked around and saw the Trevi fountain, the famous expensive street, Plaza Navona, and maybe a bit more... I found Sambayon!!! My all time favorite ice cream!!!!!!!! I was soooo excited!!!!
On Fri we got up at 6:30am and went to the Vatican.. So, planning for this I wore a long skirt, and I was going to take a light sweater... But I forgot it at home... And I was wearing a sleeveless shirt. SO, I had to buy a tshirt in order to let me in... Ah, tolerance towards other religions and their ways, a good thing to learn indeed... But it was amazing. We got to go up on top of the dome (after walking up 320 steps.. Which is more than I thought it would be... All in non-traction flip flops, which I wore bc they matched my outfit. Granted that with the tshirt, I did not match whatsoever)... Anyway, beautiful view from up at the top of the dome, and the inside of the church was beautiful. As was the Michelangelo statue... And then we went to the Sistine chapel, which was amazing and just incredibly full of paintings, so much so that ignorant G forgot to look for the most famous of the ceiling paintings. Oh well, I'll have to go back sometime in the distant future. Afterwards we walked through Trasteveri (mind you, I'm spelling all the names wrong, sorry!) and ate Sambayon again (yeyy) and then found Ancient Rome!! It was sooo awesome, so beautiful... And ate at the place where they invented Fettucini Alfredo... It was soooo yummy!!! By the time we got to the hostel, we were sooooo exhausted, though we did play rummy... Getting on the top bunk of the bunk bed was horrible, but I survived it... And on Sat we went to the coliseum... Such a beautiful structure, and what it must have been in its full glory. By then Lauren was dead tired, and had a horrible headache. I wasn't as tired, but it was nice to relax...
Anyway, Rome was amazing, and now I want to go and learn more about European history, as I know I missed out on sooo many things.... Next time, I suppose, I'll know more....

Anyway, I should get going, I suppose....



Anonymous said...

Okay, after your WHOLE paragraph of talking about it and you don't even explain the jealousy thing? So very not cool of you, Mademoiselle Cliff-hanger.

Anonymous said...

Just started Atlas Shrugged, by the by, so when i read more, you and i are SOOO discussing it (no one else i know has read it yet).

Ergeheilalt said...

Yay for roman catholic prudes. You don't want to give those monks any dirty thoughts with your bare shoulders. I mean, come on! Did you forget your head-skirt (I can't remember how to spell it) at home? How incredibly thoughtless.

*This comment brought to you by the sarcasto-matic by Ronco*

Anonymous said...

LOL. It sounds like there was a cover charge to get into the Vatican. And I'm all for the cliffhangers. Keeps us readers on our toes. =)